Thameside primary school and Nursery
Head Teacher: Mrs J Bray
At Thameside Primary School we believe that the wearing of school uniform is important as it helps to promote equality and reinforces a sense of belonging to our school community.
It is important in a school of over 800 children all wearing the same uniform, that all items of clothing are clearly named so that the lost items can be quickly reunited with their owners.
Our current school uniform consists of:
Red sweatshirt/cardigan/fleece with school logo.
White polo shirt.
Grey/Black skirt or pinafore.
Grey/Black trousers.
Grey/Black shorts (Summer only).
Red/White check dresses in summer.
Black shoes/trainers. No coloured trainers or those with logos on. Please ensure your child can tie their shoelaces or consider velcro fastening.
PE Kit:
For hygiene and safety reasons, children must change into suitable PE clothing. Therefore, please ensure that your child has a PE bag with the correct kit available for all lessons.
Summer Kit: Winter Kit:
Plain Black shorts. Dark Blue/Black jogging bottoms.
White round neck t-shirt. Dark Blue/Black jumper.
Trainers for outside PE. Plain Black shorts.
White round neck t-shirt.
Other uniform requirements:
Book bag.
Long hair should be tied back for hygiene and safety reasons.
No extreme hair styles, shaved patterns, coloured hair etc.
No large hair accessories e.g. large fashion bows etc. A small bow may be worn on the back of the head.
Jewellery (other than watches and 'stud' earrings) is not allowed for safety reasons.
Make-up is not permitted in school, including nail varnish.
Our uniform is available from:
The school PTA regularly hold second hand uniform sales - please check the school newsletter for details of when they are held.